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BredaPhoto talent: Joost Rutten

  • BredaPhoto
BredaPhoto Festival 2024 will transform the city of Breda into a large stage for photography and video art from 13 September. For more than seven weeks, international top photographers will showcase their vision on the theme Journeys alongside young talents.

A talent from Breda

Joost Rutten has been selected from the submissions of St. Joost School of Art & Design Breda for the International Talent Programme. With his colourful quirky style, Joost Rutten will certainly make waves during BredaPhoto 2024. With his work ‘The Distance Between One’ A talent from Breda! Who is that 19-year-old student behind the photos depicting something that seems impossible?

Joost Rutten

Joost wasn't always the creative person he is now. “Except for my obsession with Lego bricks.” The first steps towards his creative work were taken in high school. During that time, he was regularly asked to edit gameplay videos for others. A part-time job that sparked his interest in owning a camera. The pandemic period accelerated things. During quarantine, Joost, who was then 16 years old, realised that he wanted to explore the world, build social connections, and basically do everything that wasn't possible at that time. “Then I’ll just go out myself!” At that time, his mother bought him his first camera, and he started photography.  

Joost gained knowledge from communities of artists on Twitter and Instagram. This isolating period is certainly still traceable in his photos. During the pandemic, his social contacts were limited, which is clearly visible in the many self-portraits he created and the small world in which he lived: the village of Beusichem and the surrounding areas. 

Joost is now a third-year student at St. Joost School of Art & Design Breda and has been living in Breda for about six months. The visual language Joost uses in his work has developed quite naturally. He goes out with a ‘vague thought’, arrives at locations that suit or surprise him, and then an idea for images emerges.  

The final picture only comes together on the computer during the digital post-processing. Joost draws inspiration from everything that occupies his mind. His work is a journey that attempts to navigate through a society that is increasingly being driven apart. A journey he wants to give a hopeful twist with playful imagery through fun and light-hearted creations. 

And how is his own journey in the city of Breda going? St. Joost School of Art & Design Breda is truly the best place for Joost. And with a room near Mastbos, he can often be found outdoors in his sports shoes. Or at the bouldering gym BRUUT. There, you will always encounter someone, and beginners and professionals encourage each other on the way to the top. And if there’s a band playing at Pier15? Then it’s quite possible that you’ll run into Joost.  

His path to the future is still very much in development. Collaboration with others, the city of Breda, and the inspiring study environment at St. Joost Breda all influence his creative outlook on the world. Joost is far from done exploring, which offers beautiful perspectives for the future!  

His work ‘The Distance Between One’ can be admired not only at ’t Zoet during BredaPhoto but also at De Veerman during the opening weekend of 13-14-15 September. If you want to chat with Joost himself, that’s great! On Sunday, 15 September, Joost will be live at De Veerman from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Or check online. You can find him under the name ‘TOASTOASR’. 

Discover more about the BredaPhoto 2024 festival here!

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