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Discover Green Breda

Breda and 'green' go hand in hand. It is the place where nature, water and green initiatives come together. Whether you are walking through one of the many parks, enjoying the ancient Mastbos forest or visiting sustainable businesses in the city centre; you will notice that the people of Breda take a green city very seriously! It is therefore no surprise that Breda has the ambition to work together towards becoming a National Park City, where every street and corner feels like a green oasis. 

Discover the green side of Breda here. Let's work together towards a greener, more beautiful future for this wonderful city! Will you join us?

Explore Green Breda Route

Get to know unique and sustainable entrepreneurs through the Explore Green Breda Route. All these locations are trying to raise awareness and start a positive movement in their own way. From packaging-free shopping to waste-free catering concepts.

Meet the entrepreneurs of Explore Green Breda.

Discover green events

Meet the green people of Breda

Residents of Breda are also busy making Breda greener. You can see it in various ways in the city and its surroundings. From vegetable gardens to repair cafés and everything in between. Discover here which initiatives are taking place. And while you're immersing yourself, feel free to participate in one of these initiatives!

Green tips from entrepreneurs

Breda is buzzing with green entrepreneurs! These are locals who are working in their own way towards a more sustainable and greener Breda. We have gathered some tips for you to try at home. Get inspired!

Need more green inspiration?