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Photo: Jan Korebrits


In Breda’s city centre, you can still find a number of court houses from the time of the Breda Nassaus. These monumental houses belonged to the court of the Nassaus and were used, among other things, to accommodate important guests.

In Breda’s city centre, you can still find a number of court houses from the time of the Breda Nassaus. These monumental houses belonged to the court of the Nassaus and were used, among other things, to accommodate important guests.
Most court houses can be found in Catharinastraat, St. Janstraat and Nieuwstraat.

St. Janstraat
There are two distinguished court houses in St. Janstraat:

  • Hersbeeck House (No. 16), now a catering establishment, and Ocrum House (No. 18). It houses Centre of art Nieuwe Veste. In 1667, the English envoys who took part in the Peace Negotiations for the Peace of Breda resided in both houses. The representatives of the Council of State used Hersbeeck House when they were on mission in the city. King Louis Napoleon also stayed there.
  • The reddish-brown Ocrum House was Roman Catholic orphanage from 1848 to 1952. This can still be seen from the cobblestones on the building’s nineteenth- century façade.

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