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Spring concert 'Spring is in the Air!'

Visit the cheerful spring concert of the Grand Orchestra of Amor Musae.


Music by Gustav Holst, Camille Saint-Saëns, Pietro Mascagni, Errol Garner, Vittorio Monti, and others. The soloists are Stephanie van Stockum (vocals) and Xander Wassenaar (violin)!

Amor Musae is a thriving music association with a long and rich history. Founded in 1888 and still going strong. With over one hundred and forty members who are passionate about symphonic wind music.

Divided into four orchestras, where, from young to old, they enthusiastically play their 'part': a Starter Orchestra, a Training Orchestra, the Main Orchestra, and a Senior Orchestra. Each of the orchestras covers a broad repertoire of exciting and relaxing symphonic wind music in various genres and styles.


Sunday 6 Apr 202515:00 - 17:00


€ 7,50