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Performance The Spectacle

Discover 'Het Spektakeltje' in Breda: a unique performance about the big and small things in our universe. Don't miss it!


Het Spektakeltje is a textual and visual performance about the small things, the somewhat larger things, and the very largest things.

About how everything in our universe moves with and around each other, interlaces, and how to make sense of it all. Now, somewhere on the streets of Amsterdam, now, somewhere on a roof in a field in Tocantins, now, somewhere on a cargo ship in the North Sea (or maybe right now already between Denmark and Sweden), now, in the International Space Station, somewhere above Mozambique, someone wonders what it all means.

How aware are we of the bizarre systems of which we are constantly a part, contributing to, and yet know very little about?

Is there now, precisely now, someone else on the other side of the world who hopes that they are not the only one paralyzed by this thought?


Thursday 3 Apr 202520:00 - 21:00


€ 12.50