Performance 'Roodkapje in Amazonia' at Chassé Theater
Yara and Barnabe are sent into the forest by their grandmother to deliver some food to a friend. When a storm breaks out, the children get separated from each other. Barnabe gets lost in the forest. At night, creatures come to life that do not show themselves during the day. They live in darkness. By following them, Barnabe learns their stories about the rainforest. He discovers that his grandmother is seen as one of the 'bad guys' because of her way of farming. When a plan is hatched to drive grandmother away, Barnabe calls upon the help of the forest spirit Saci.
With the European fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood in one hand and Brazilian folk tales in the other, Duda Paiva creates a new production about the wisdom and magic of indigenous peoples, their relationship with nature, the beauty and value of our earth, and the primal power of collaboration.
Duda Paiva has received the Wim Meilink Prize from the Dutch Association for Puppetry-UNIMA Centre Netherlands for his entire oeuvre. "Duda Paiva has not only put dance with large puppets on the map nationally but certainly also internationally", explains the organisation, appreciating his numerous collaborations with opera and dance companies as well as orchestras.
"Virtuoso puppeteers unravel the decline of the Amazon region" - Theaterkrant
Meet the puppets
Usually, children have to keep their fingers away from everything. Not now! After the performance, everyone is welcome to step onto the stage for a photo with the puppets, to ask questions, and to discover how foam rubber feels. Touching; that's allowed too!
Sunday 11 May 2025 | 15:00 |
€ 14,00 |