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Mercartino ((barter)market) Porta Sud

Visit the Mercatino in Breda on 18 May! Exchange or sell your second-hand kitchen items.


Spring is on its way, the time when everyone does a big clean-up. The kitchen cupboards are emptied; that cup you put back every year but never use, the waffle maker that turned out not to be such a good buy, or the cookbooks from the time you desperately wanted to eat ‘healthy’ for a week.

After such a clean-up, you always end up with a lot of items. Osteria Porta Sud is therefore organising a Mercatino this year! A (swap) market for second-hand and/or used kitchen utensils, crockery, glassware, cutlery, and cookbooks. This way, your items get a new lease on life and you inspire someone else.

On Sunday 18 May, the osteria will be transformed into a real market square. The market will be open to the public from 10:00! 

So, are you planning to properly tidy up your kitchen, or have you already done that but don’t know what to do with your items? Reserve a table and swap or sell your items. To reserve a table, email ralph@portasud.nl. This will ensure that a table is ready for you.


Sunday 18 May 202510:00 - 16:00

