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Hang Youth in MEZZ

Experience the energy of Hang Youth at MEZZ Breda! Enjoy their raw punk with an incredible live experience.


Say Dutch Punk, and you say Hang Youth. The band evolved from a benchmark of a protest movement to a household name. Their latest album 'ER IS HOOP*' was nominated for an Edison and confirmed that the band is far from over.

The Amsterdam-based Hang Youth consciously straddles the line between a funny art project, an angry tweet, and a dead-serious punk band. In 2020, the quartet released the albums ‘BOEL AAN DE HAND’ and ‘ALLES MOET BETER’, featuring ultra-short yet radically furious hardcore pop-punk bangers like ‘WAAROM IS ALLES ZO KK DUUR?’, ‘IK GEEF EEN NIER VOOR GEEN RUTTE IV’ and ‘BELASTINGDIENST’.

Live shows (five stars in NRC) are all about release and have the reputation of “something you MUST see” – although you’re not the only one who becomes addicted and keeps coming back every time.

Ticket sales start on 14th March 2025!


Thursday 16 Oct 202519:30 - 23:00


€ 25,00