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Double Bill: GASOLINA & Someone I Knew at Bloos

Experience the impressive performance 'Someone I Knew' at Podium Bloos!


In 'Someone I Knew', you see ten anonymous young people ravaging on the edge of the world and the rhythm of a siren. Boldly, these youths sacrifice their bodies at the end of the world as we think we know it. Wild, sweating, and beyond all embarrassment, they turn their backs on the past, the present, or any sense of time at all. When the future comes to claim them and they can do no other, they find harmony with the sound of destruction.

A new chapter with a new way of being presents itself. Gasolina Cherry lip gloss sparkles in the headlights of the Volkswagen Golf. A bubble of chewing gum bursts deafeningly. My navel piercing itches. As the subwoofer starts to pump, a can of Monster Energy erupts, and a hip pops out of place. In the distance, a dog softly howls at the moon. But here, everything is always in stereo. Credits.


Saturday 15 Mar 202520:00 - 21:30


€ 7,50