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AMGEN Singelloop Breda

The AMGEN Singelloop Breda takes place through the historical centre of Breda and along the beautiful canals with the finish on the Grote Markt. Participants can choose from various distances as well as Walking & Wheeling. In 2024, the Dutch Half Marathon Championship will also be held.


This first Sunday in October is traditionally the day of the AMGEN Singelloop Breda.

The Breda Singelloop runs through the historic centre of Breda and along the beautiful canals with the finish at the Grote Markt. A top running event where the lively and Burgundian atmosphere of Breda takes centre stage. The thousands of spectators, music groups, DJs and dance groups ensure this.
The Singelloop is rightfully known as the most convivial run in the Netherlands. And it's not just festive at the start and finish line! There are more than thirty performances throughout the city centre.  

The AMGEN Singelloop Breda includes various events: the 5 km, 10 km, half marathon, family run, and the 5 km Walking & Wheeling, specially designed for people who cannot or do not want to run, but still want to experience the unique atmosphere of the Breda Singelloop!
All these distances are also available for participants in the Business Run. Around 500 teams participate in this event annually.

Registration for the Breda Singelloop can be done from 1 May. Note: This year, for the first time, there is a maximum number of participants. 

In 2024, the Dutch Half Marathon Championships will also take place during the Breda Singelloop. 


  • 10:50 am: Kinderhulp family run 800 m
  • 11:05 am: Kinderhulp family run 2,200 m
  • 11:20 am: Albert Heijn Walking & Wheeling wheelchair users/(slow) wheelers 800 m
  • 11:30 am: Albert Heijn Walking & Wheeling Nordic walkers/walkers/(fast) wheelers
  • 11:50 am: 
    - Royal Cosun 5 km performance run
    - Club Battle
    - Talent Run
    - Van Iersel Luchtman Advocates Business Run 5 km
    --> maximum of 6,300 participants
  • 12:40 pm: 
    - Aartsen 10 km performance run
    - Van Iersel Luchtman Advocates Business Run 10 km
    --> maximum of 7,000 participants
  • 2:10 pm: 
    - Dutch half marathon competition
    - Kasparov Finance & BI competition run
    - Moore DRV half marathon performance run
    - Van Iersel Luchtman Advocates Business Run half marathon
    --> maximum of 5,600 participants
  • 5:25 pm: Warm welcome for the last runner in the half marathon. This time is indicative.

Fonds Kinderhulp is the charity partner of the Singelloop in 2024.

Are you coming to Breda by car? The city centre is closed to traffic. Here you can find more information. 

The car parks in the city centre are not accessible. There are signs on the main roads directing you to the (temporary) parking areas:

  • Curio (Wilhelminasingel 33)
  • Breda University of Applied Sciences (Monseigneur Hopmansstraat 1 next to Sanquin Blood Bank)
  • Avans (Molengracht).
    All three car parks are within walking distance of the start line. There are also options to park on the roof of Breda Station (paid).

Closed Shops
The shops in the city centre are always closed on the Sunday of the Singelloop due to the difficult accessibility.

The Singelloop is one of the five running events where you can earn the Bredaille. You receive it when you participate in at least three of these runs. The others are the Haagse Beemden Loop, the Dorpsloop Teteringende Tien van ’t Aogje and de 5 van Bavel 
Read more about the Bredaille here.


Sunday 6 Oct 202410:30 - 18:00