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A Pole Tragedy in Bloos

The performance 'A Pole Tragedy' by theater maker Sofie Kramer explores the grey area between violence and eroticism, at a time when sexuality is under a magnifying glass.


In A Pole Tragedy, theatre maker Sofie Kramer explores the grey area between violence and eroticism, in a time when sexuality is under a magnifying glass. Fascinated by Euripides' famous tragedy Iphigenia in Aulis, about the sacrifice of a girl's body in a men's struggle, she poses the question: in what ways do women today sacrifice their bodies? She makes Iphigenia her heroic alter-ego in a sweaty duet between her body and a towering pole.

Together with sound artist Mári Mákó, she built her own interactive dance pole, which she plays with her body like a musical instrument. The hard, unmoving piece of steel comes to life in this dark female fantasy. I’m pretty when I cry. I’m ugly when I cum. I’m free when I die. This is a Greek tragedy.

Are you coming to say goodbye to the current Bloos building? This is the last theatre season before the construction of the new building starts.


Thursday 19 Sep 202420:00 - 21:30


€ 12.50