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Practical information for students in Breda

  • Studying
Are you or will you be a student in Breda? Then check out all the practical information you need to find your way around this beautiful city. This will make life as a student so much easier. Not sure where you can borrow books, get the best coffee, exercise as cheaply as possible, or navigate the city most easily? On this page, you'll find answers to all these questions.

Transportation options for students


A convenient way to get to your final destination from the bus or train is the OV-bike. You need an OV-chipkaart for this, to which you can link the free OV-bike subscription. Subsequently, you can rent an OV-bike directly with your OV-chipkaart. For using an OV-bike, you pay € 3.95 each time, up to 24 hours. Do you happen to have an NS Flex subscription? Then you can use the OV-bike immediately. 

Electric scooters

In Breda, electric scooters from Check and Felyx are scattered throughout the city. Download one of the apps, look for an available scooter nearby, connect the app to the scooter, and you're off. The scooter is a perfect way to go from point A to point B since you can leave the scooter wherever you want, as long as it's within the area indicated by the app. Because the scooters are electric, they are also sustainable.


Tired of dealing with bike issues? Swapfiets is here for you. With Swapfiets, you receive a Swapfiets for a fixed monthly fee. They ensure that the bike is always in working order. Service and repair costs are included in the subscription. Is there something wrong with your bike? Download the app, schedule an appointment, and Swapfiets will repair the bike within 48 hours or replace it with another one.

Be careful where you park your bike!

You are not allowed to just leave your bike anywhere in Breda. Please note that the municipality of Breda strictly enforces regulations regarding incorrectly parked bikes. 

Where is it allowed?

  • in the supervised bike parking facilities. In the municipal parking facilities you can park for free.
  • at so-called 'staples'
  • in places that are clearly marked as bike parking.

Have you lost your bike? There is a good chance that it has been taken to the municipal bike depot. For more information about this, please visit the website of Municipality Breda.

Here you will find the monitored bike parking facilities.

Libraries in Breda

Looking for a book to read while using public transport or a textbook that makes studying a little easier? Breda has several libraries where you can go. 

The central library in Breda is part of Nieuwe Veste on Molenstraat. In addition, the library has two smaller locations in Breda where you can go. 
North: Heksenakker 37, Breda 
South: Allerheiligenweg 19, Breda 

Moreover, there are some drop-off and pick-up points in the neighbourhoods. 

Breda University of Applied Sciences

Avans Breda and Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas) have their own libraries for their students. The BUas library is located in the Horizon building on campus. You can also check via the online metasearch whether the book you are looking for is available. This saves you time that you, as a student, can spend much more wisely.

Avans (Xplora)

As an Avans student, you can borrow a book using the digital student card in the Avans One app. The app is available for Android and for Apple iOS. The existing plastic student or staff cards still work as well. With the self-service kiosk, you can borrow books and other materials at all locations: first scan your student card and then scan the books. As a student, you may have ten materials at the same time.

Borrowing at Xplora is free for every Avans student or staff member. You can check the availability of a book online via Kaluga


Bress is ideal for students looking to exercise in Breda. With a membership, you gain access to a variety of sports. You can enjoy unlimited fitness all week long using Matrix Fitness equipment, a free weight area, personal guidance from instructors, and free introductory sessions. Additionally, this membership allows you to participate in various group classes or team sports without any limits. As a cherry on top, you also receive discounts at 21 sports partners of Bress, cafés, or even Swappfiets. In short, a membership at Bress will offer you much in return.


With Knaek, you receive discounts or a second product for free as a student at various cafés, restaurants, or other activities. In Breda, you can also enjoy discounts or deals at many locations, including a cheap night at the movies at Pathé, a second burrito for free at Taco Bell Breda, or 25% off an impressive virtual reality experience at the Park. You just need to create an account using your educational institution's email and your private email, and you're good to go!

Tip: Monday is Student Day at Pathé. Every Monday, you, as a student, can go to the movies for just € 9.00. Note: The Pathé student ticket is only valid in combination with a valid student card (mbo, hbo, university) or a CJP card.

Social deal Breda

With Social Deal, you as a student can search for affordable 3-course menus, activities or home-delivered meals. The deals change every 24 hours, so there's always something for you. Download the app, search for Breda, and enjoy the city at a bargain!

Discount with your student card

In addition to the Knaekpas, you can also use your student card to score some discounts. At De Pasta Kantine, you can get a meal and drink for just under 15 euros when you show your student card! Ideal for when you don't feel like cooking but don't have money for overpriced meals. 

Part-time job in Breda

Working in the hospitality industry in Breda

Working in the hospitality industry as a student is super fun! You can start behind the bar, in service, or in the kitchen. Breda has a wide range of hospitality venues. There is surely a venue that suits you. When you work in a pub, you'll encounter many fellow students behind the bar. Guaranteed fun!

Enthusiastic freelancer

Being a freelancer is ideal as a student. Through various apps or websites, you can easily choose your own working hours, assignments, and hourly rate. You have no obligations, only possibilities. This way, you gain a lot of experience and learn to work in different organisations. Check out what’s available and organise your schedule. Have you happened to have a school deadline? Then you just won’t work for a while!

Helpful Breda resident

To gain experience in various sectors, you can also do volunteer work in Breda very well. Mooiwerk Breda matches supply and demand with each other. You are sure to find something that suits you. Mooiwerk Breda also offers workshops that allow you to develop yourself.

Everything for your student life