Celebrate Easter in Breda
In the Netherlands, we throw away an incredible amount of stuff. Including things that are perfectly fine, what a waste! For many people, repairing is no longer part of their mindset. This is how the Repair Café came into existence.
Below, we list when and where the Repair Cafés take place in Breda! Starting with the Haagse Beemden.
When: every first Saturday afternoon of the month, 12:00-16:00 hours
Where: neighbourhood centre Heksenwiel, Heksenwiellaan 2, Breda
Did you know that you can walk into all Repair Cafés without an appointment? Make sure to arrive on time, as space is limited. The repair of your item is done as much as possible together with you, so that you can learn from it as well. There is also a Repair Café in IJpelaar.
When: every first Wednesday afternoon of the month, 14:30-17:00
Where: IJpelaar Breburg GGZ, Muiderslotstraat 150
Repair Cafés do not charge for repairing your items. Totally voluntary! A contribution to the tip jar is of course welcome ;-)
You can also go to Prinsenbeek for making items.
When: every second Saturday morning of the month, 10:00-12:30
Where: Woonzorgcentrum Hagedonk, Markt 5A, Prinsenbeek
Did you know that you can also start your own Repair Café? Repair Café International supports local groups around the world in starting their own Repair Café. Read all about it here!
There is also a monthly Repair Café in Princenhage.
When: every fourth Saturday afternoon of the month (excluding December), 12:00-16:00
Where: De Dobbelsteen, Doelen 36, Princenhage
Even if you have nothing to repair, you are welcome at a Repair Café. The Cafés are nice meeting places to get to know each other and gather inspiration at the reading table, where books about repairing and DIY are available.
The sixth and final Repair Café in Breda is in Terheijden.
When: Wednesday afternoons in every even week, 13:00-16:00 hours
Where: SOVAK, Koningsveld 1, Terheijden
Check out the international website of Repair Café.
Specific information about Repair Cafés in Breda can be found on the Facebook page.