• Map

Knooppunt routes in and around Breda

    From Breda, you can enjoy walking, cycling, horseback riding, and mountain biking. This route map shows the junctions in the immediate area. They are official and well-marked routes, so you can head out without worries!

    Into nature with node routes

    As an outdoor enthusiast, you can easily make use of the junction system; a network of beautiful and clearly signposted paths.

    Each junction has its own number. By walking or cycling from one junction to the next, you create your own route. Along the paths, there are signs displaying the junction numbers and arrows guiding you the right way. At each junction, there is also a panel with a route map, so you can always adjust your route. Distances between the junctions are indicated here as well.

    Tip: Want to plan a route? Then visit: https://www.visitbrabant.com/nl/routes/fietsen/plan-je-eigen-fietsroute

    Pressure gauge for nature reserves

    In the map, you can see the current crowd levels in the nature reserves. Check the current crowd levels before you head out, so you can enjoy the most beautiful routes around Breda safely!

    The crowd meter uses three colour codes:
    • Green: it is quiet, you can come and recreate without worry.
    • Orange: it is on the busy side or crowding is expected,
    consider going elsewhere.
    • Red: it is too busy, go to another location.