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Horse riding in Breda

    Looking for a great place to go horseback riding or enjoy beautiful outdoor rides? Then you are exactly where you need to be in the Breda region.

    The area offers an extensive network of riding paths and various stables and riding schools from which you can embark on beautiful journeys through the Brabant nature. Discover the refreshing outdoor air and explore the diverse surroundings of Breda. We recommend three riding schools and the most beautiful areas for horseback riding. 


    Top 3 manages:

    1. Ruitersportcentrum Breda  

    Ruitersportcentrum Breda is located on the edge of the beautiful Ulvenhoutse and Chaamse forests, with direct access to a 50 km riding route. This route is ideal for both relaxing rides and adventurous outings. The extensive network of bridleways stretches over 600 km and provides connections to the Mastbos and even Belgium. 

    At Ruitersportcentrum Breda, it's all about informality, cosiness, and above all, enjoyment of the equestrian sport. Whether you are an experienced rider or simply a horse lover, everyone is warmly welcome. In addition to the relaxed atmosphere, jumping and dressage lessons are also offered. In short, there is something for every rider at this riding school. 

    Overakkerstraat 372 

    2. Sintels Breda  

    Manege Sintels BV is a friendly family business that offers riding lessons for young and old. On their 16-hectare property, you will find an indoor riding arena, a covered outdoor arena, and a spacious outdoor arena. The horses and ponies all come from their own breeding, so they know exactly what each animal needs. Each rider rides weekly on the same horse or pony, carefully chosen to ensure they match well together. This personal attention makes horse riding at Stal Sintels a special experience. 

    Rijsbergseweg 590 


    3. Balemans Ruitersportcentrum Breda  

    Are you looking for a friendly stable or riding school near Breda? Then Balemans Ruitersportcentrum is the perfect place for you! Whether you are a beginner or already have experience, you are in the right place here. In addition to riding lessons, the riding school also offers livery in a five-star accommodation, where every horse and rider feels at home. Horses and ponies are cared for with great attention. The lessons are taught by qualified instructors, and there is always someone present to help with saddling and unsaddling, both before and after the lesson. Balemans Ruitersportcentrum ensures that both rider and horse feel completely at ease, making every ride enjoyable and relaxing. 

    Laanzichtweg 105 

    Top 3 most beautiful horseback riding areas:

    1. Mastbos Breda  

    The Mastbos, covering 570 hectares, is located south of Breda, near the Ruitersbos district in Breda South. It is the most popular and well-known forest in the area. The name comes from the many Scots pines, formerly called 'mast trees', as they were used to make ship masts. For riders, it is a fantastic place, with wide paths and a varied landscape. The winding paths and open fields provide a perfect mix of relaxing rides and adventurous trips. The Mastbos truly offers something for every rider!

    2. Ulvenhoutse bos

    The Ulvenhoutse Forest, located east of Ulvenhout, is a beautiful nature reserve of 729 hectares. It is managed by Staatsbosbeheer and consists of several forests, including the Sint-Annabos, Voorbos, Nieuwbos, Prinsenbos, and Chaambos. This ancient forest, full of winter oaks and beeches, is known for its rich plant life. With its well-maintained paths, this forest is the perfect place for a delightful outdoor horse ride.

    3. Chaamse bos

    The Chaamse Woods, located between the Gilze-Chaam road and the village of Alphen, cover no less than 1,324 hectares. This expansive forest is home to various special bird species, such as the yellowhammer, nightjar, tree pipit, meadow pipit, redstart, and green woodpecker. With its many walking and cycling paths, the forest is a popular destination for nature lovers. For riders, the varied landscape and tranquil atmosphere make it ideal for beautiful outdoor rides, where you can fully enjoy nature on horseback. 


    Discover more activities in the natural surroundings of Breda here.

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