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Grote Kerk Breda on the way to tomorrow

    How do you ensure that a centuries-old church, whose traditional religious function is increasingly fading into the background, remains meaningful for many years to come? This is a challenge for many managers of monumental church buildings. Read how the Grote Kerk Breda is connecting the world of today to the historical stories of the church through new policies, thereby securing its important role in the city for the future.

    Cultural, economic and social value

    For a long time, church organizations were primarily focused on maintaining the buildings. There is now a growing awareness that church buildings, with a well-thought-out programme, can add significant cultural, economic, and social value to the city. 
    With this in mind, the Grote Kerk Breda developed an innovative vision. Just as the Nassaus built the Grote Kerk 600 years ago as the innovators of their time, the Grote Kerk is now leading with its new policy in Europe. 

    Valuable collection

    The Grote Kerk Breda is not a museum or art gallery, but it does have an art collection. Behind artworks such as the tomb monuments, the Prince Chapel, and the triptych by Van Scorel lie extraordinary stories.

    Cultural events
    By organising high-quality cultural events and linking them in a contemporary way to the many stories of the church, the Grote Kerk attracts various target groups. For instance, Museum of the Moon, a huge replica of the moon, captivated many visitors.

    Even without events or exhibitions, the stories of the church are told in all sorts of often innovative ways. Think of treasure hunts, audio tours, and digital information pillars that even allow you to peek into the mausoleum of the Nassaus.

    A place for and by everyone

    In churches, people come together for meetings and reflection. By collaborating with a wide range of organisations in its programming, the Grote Kerk contributes to the inclusive and social character of the city. Thus, the Grote Kerk continues to be the beating heart of Breda. A place for everyone; young or old, local resident, newcomer, or visitor.

    Partners that the Grote Kerk Breda collaborates with range from NAC Breda to Buddy to Buddy and from Avans and BredaPhoto to Nieuwe Veste. Furthermore, the Grote Kerk is a co-initiator of CrossArts, an organisation that brings urban renewal and heritage together in an exciting way. This way, the Grote Kerk remains a place where every local resident feels connected and where every non-local feels welcome.
    The players of NAC Breda have the Grote Kerk on their shirt this season. 

    Grote Kerk as an economic driver

    A combination that you might not immediately think of but is indeed significant in the new role of the Grote Kerk. With a special programme, the Grote Kerk attracts new visitors to Breda. Visitors who, besides going to the Grote Kerk, also visit places like the Stedelijk Museum Breda, have a bite to eat, or shop in the city centre. 

    In this way, the Grote Kerk of Breda contributes to a healthy economy and strengthens the existing cultural facilities. 

    Young learned...

    The Grote Kerk is part of the cultural programme The Discovery. This way, children are introduced to the Grote Kerk already in primary school. In an accessible manner that aligns with children's interests. This way, it quickly feels a bit like their own Grote Kerk. A place to be proud of.